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Assure Nina's Dream
- Nature: Residential.
- project Location: House 2/9 | Block-B | Humayun Road | Mohammadpur | Dhaka.
- Apartment Size: 1658 Sq. Ft.
- Orientation: South Facing.
- Land Area: 3.87 Katha
- Heights: G+09 Storied
- Apartment Contains: 03 Beds | 03 Baths | 03 Verandas | Living | Dining | Family Living | Kitchen..
Assure Nina's Dream
Mohammadpur, Dhaka

Assure Peace
- Nature: Residential.
- Location: Plot-993, Road-16, Adabar, Mohammadpur
- Aparment Size: A-1229 sft. B-1143 sft
- Storied: Ground + 7
- Number of Apartments: 14 Nos.
- Facing: South
Assure Peace
Mohammadpur, Dhaka

Assure Liberation
- Nature: Residential.
- Location: House 27/C | Asad Avenue | Block E | Mohammadpur.
- Apartment Size: 1691 Sq. Ft.
- Land Size: 3.98 Katha
- Orientation: North East Facing
- Building Height: G+8 Storied
Assure Liberation
Mohammadpur, Dhaka

Assure Sky Flower
- Nature: Residential.
- Plot-754/7, Road-08, Baitul Aman Housing Society, Mohammadpur, Dhaka
- Orientation: North Facing
- Storied: Basement+ Ground + 08 living floor
- Apartment Size: 1323 sft
- Apartment Contains: 3 Beds, 3 Baths (02 Attached), Dining, Living, Family Living, Kitchen, 02 Ver (For Type-A & D).
Assure Sky Flower
Mohammadpur, Dhaka.

Assure Bushra Palace
- Nature: Residential.
- Land Area: 16.14 Katha
- Facing: East & West
- Storied: Ground + 09 living floor
- Number of Apartments: 45 Nos.
- Number of Elevator/Lift: 02 Nos.
- Number of Car Parking: 38 Nos.
Assure Bushra Palace
Mohammadpur, Dhaka

Assure Angon
- Nature: Residential
- Land Area: 5.89 katha (Approx)
- Facing: North
- Storied: Ground + 7 Living Floor
- Number of Apartments: 7 Nos.
- Size of Units: 1929 Sft
- Number of Elevator/Lift: 01
- Number of Car Parking: 8 Nos.
Assure Angon
Mohammadpur, Dhaka

Assure Icon Villa
- Nature: Residential
- Storied: Ground + 06 Living Floor.
- Land Area: 3.97 Katha (Approx).
- Facing: South 60 Feet Wide Road.
- Number of Apartments: 06 Nos.
- Number of Elevator/Lift: 01Nos.
- Number of Car Parking: 06 Nos.
- Apartment Size: 1779 Sft.
Assure Icon Villa
Mohammadpur, Dhaka

Nazmul Assure Rose Point
- Nature: Residential
- Land Area: 4.00 katha (More or Less)
- Facing: East
- Storied: Ground + 8 Living Floor
- Number of Apartments: 08 Nos.
- Size of Units: 1747 Sft
- Number of Elevator/Lift: 01
- Number of Car Parking: 08 Nos.
Nazmul Assure Rose Point
Mohammadpur, Dhaka

Assure Berlin Palace
- Nature: Residential
- Land Area: 16.00 Katha
- Facing: West
- Height: G+10 living floor
- Unit per floor: 05Units
- Unit area: A=1026 sft, B=1037 sft, C=1026 sft, D=1005 sft,
- E=1005 sft
Assure Berlin Palace
Mohammadpur, Dhaka

Assure Sultanas Dream
- Land Area: 10.00 Katha
- Facing: South
- Height: G+8 living floor
- Unit per floor: 4 Units
- Unit area: A=1227 sft, B=1052 sft, C=1052 sft, D=1227 sft
Assure Sultanas Dream
Mohammadpur, Dhaka

Assure Three Star Garden
- Nature: Residential
- Land Area: 03.50 Katha
- Facing: North &West Corner
- Height: G+5 living floor
- Unit per floor: TwoUnits
- Unit area: A=1050 sft, B=1080 sft
Assure Three Star
Mohammadpur, Dhaka

Assure Arunalok
- Land Area: 04.00 Katha
- Facing: West
- Height: G+6 living floor
- Unit per floor: SingleUnit
- Unit area: A=2057 sft
Assure Arunalok
Mohammadpur, Dhaka

Assure Malancha
- Land Area: 4 Katha
- Facing: South & East
- Height: G+8 living floor
- Unit per floor: SingleUnit
- Unit area: 1897 sft,
Assure Malancha
Mohammadpur, Dhaka

Assure Roselin
- Nature: Residential
- Storied: Ground + 08 Living Floor.
- Land Area: 4 Katha (Approx).
- Facing: East
- Number of Apartments: 08 Nos.
- Number of Elevator/Lift: 01Nos.
- Number of Car Parking: 08 Nos.
- Apartment Size: 1159 Sq.ft.
Assure Roselin
Mohammadpur, Dhaka

Assure Akota
- Nature: Residential
- Land Area: 5.36 katha (More or Less)
- Facing: South
- Storied: Ground + 9 Living Floor
- Number of Apartments: 9 Nos.
- Size of Units: 2231 sft
- Number of Elevator/Lift: 01
- Number of Car Parking: 9 Nos.
Assure Akota
Mohammadpur, Dhaka

Assure SS Dream
Assure SS Dream
Mohammadpur, Dhaka