Property for Sale in Gulshan, Dhaka

- Nature: Commercial
- Land Category: Rajuk allotted commercial land
- Facing: North + East + South
- Storied: 2 Basement + Ground + 15 Commercial floors
- Commercial Floors: G + 15 Nos.
- Floor Area: 807 sft (G), 3717 sft (First), 3013 sft (Typical)
- Number of Elevator/Lift: 02 Nos.
- Parking Area: Basement 1 & 2
Assure Zohora Square
Gulshan, Dhaka

- Nature: Residential
- Land Area: 5 katha (More or Less)
- Facing: East & North
- Storied: Ground + 08 Living Floor
- Number of Apartments: 8 Nos.
- Size of Units: 2358 Sft
- Number of Elevator/Lift: 01
- Number of Car Parking: 07 Nos.
Assure Lake Breeze
Gulshan, Dhaka

- Land Area: 5 Katha
- Facing: East
- Height: G+8 living floor
- Unit per floor: Single Unit
Assure Sonartori
Gulshan, Dhaka