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Assure Fair View
- Nature: Residential.
- Land Area: 10 Katha
- Storied: Basement + Ground + 9 Living Floor.
- Number of Apartments: 21 Nos.
- Number of Elevator/Lift: 02 Nos.
- Parking: Basement + Ground.
- Number of Parking: 27
Assure Fair View
Moghbazar, Dhaka

Assure Chandraloke
- Nature: Residential
- Land Area: 7.15 katha (More or Less)
- Facing: South
- Storied: Ground + 6 Living Floor
- Number of Apartments: 12 Nos.
- Size of Units: 1827 Sft And 1739 Sft
- Number of Elevator/Lift: 01
- Number of Car Parking: 12 Nos.
Assure Chandraloke
Moghbazar, Dhaka