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Assure Dianella
- Location: House-15, Road-20 & 05, Block-J, Baridhara R/A, Dhaka
- Orientation: South-East Corner Plot
- Building Heights: G+6 Storied
- Apartment Size: 2039 Sq. Ft.
- Land Size: 3.67 Katha
- Features: 4 Beds, 4 Baths (3 Attached), 3 Verandas, Living, Dining, Family Living, Kitchen with Veranda
Assure Dianella
Baridhara R/A, Dhaka

Assure Swapno Kuthir
- Nature: Residential.
- Location: Plot-06, Road-13, Block-J, Baridhara, Dhaka.
- 1778 SFT
- Building Height: G+8 Storied
- Land Category: RAJUK Approved Residential Land.
- Orientation: West Facing
- Land Area: 4.38 Katha
Assure Swapno Kuthir
Baridhara, Dhaka

Assure Swapnoshiri
- Land Area: 11.75 Katha
- Facing: South
- Height: G+8 living floor
- Unit per floor: Five Units
- Unit area: A=1302 sft, B=1302 sft, C=1287 sft,D=1056 sft, E=1287 sft
Assure Swapnoshiri
Baridhara, Dhaka

Assure Gerbera
- Nature: Residential
- Land Area: 3 katha (More or Less)
- Facing: North
- Storied: Ground + 6 Living Floor
- Number of Apartments: 6 Nos.
- Size of Units: 1581 Sft
- Number of Elevator/Lift: 01
- Number of Car Parking: 6 Nos.
Assure Gerbera
Baridhara, Dhaka

Assure Marina
- Nature: Residential
- Land Area: 3.38 Katha
- Facing: North.
- Storied: Ground + 9 Living Floor.
- Number of Apartments: 09 Nos.
- Number of Elevator/Lift: 01 Nos.
- Number of Car Parking: 09 Nos.
- Apartment Size: 1721 Sft.
Assure Marina
Baridhara, Dhaka