Assure Sunbeam
A luxury south-facing apartment in Bashundhara, Dhaka
The Principal Architect of ASSURE Design Studio & his team given their utmost & meticulously designed Assure Sunbeam, featuring all the modern facilities with amenities which you would deserve of a home suited to your modern lifestyle.
√ Residential
√ Plot no- 1361 & 1362, Road no- 31, Block-I, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka.
√ South
√ 10 katha
√ Basement + Ground + 9 Living Floor
√ 18 NOS.
√ 01 NOS.
√ Type - A 2127 sft
√ Type - B 2127 sft
√ Basement and Ground Floor.
√ 03 Beds, √ 04 Baths (03 Attached), √ 04 Ver, √ Living, √ Dining, √ Family Living, √ Kitchen with ver, √ Maid’s Toilet.
√ Reception & Waiting √ Guard Post Community Space √ Generator Room √ Sub- station √ Guard Accomodation → at Ground Floor.
√ Plantation √ Lap Pool √ Cloth Drying Area √ Machine Room → at Roof-top.

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