Residential Space for Sale in Aftabnagar, Dhaka
In Aftabnagar sector 01, road 01, Assure offers 3 beds north east facing Type-A 1274 Sq. Ft. & Type-B 1306 Sq. Ft. apartments at an attractive price range. Our fine apartments have 3 beds with attached 2 bathrooms and 2 verandas to complement your best living experience with your family members.
Overview of Assure SS Valley
Assure Group offers Assure SS Valley, an attractive residential property for sale in Aftabnagar, Dhaka. This property can be a very suitable office address for you.
√ Residential
√ House-47, 49 | Road 01 | Sector 01 | Block-M | Aftabnagar | Dhaka-1212.
Rajuk allotted residential land
√ Type-A 1287 Sq. Ft.
√ Type-B 1321 Sq. Ft.
√ 18 Nos.
√ North East.
√ 7 Katha (More or Less)
√ Ground + 9 Living Floors
√ 01 Nos.
★ 3 Beds, ★ 3 Baths (02 Attached), ★ 02 Ver (03 Ver in Type-A), ★ Living Cum Dining, ★ Kitchen with Ver.
★ Guard Post, ★ Caretaker Bed, ★ Generator Room, ★ Sub-station at Ground Floor.
★ Community Space, ★ Plantation, ★ Child Play Area, ★ Cloth Drying Area, ★ Machin Room at Roof-top.
√ Standard Chartered Bank, DBH, Dhaka Bank, IPDC, City Bank Limited, Mutual Trust Bank Limited, BRAC Bank Limited, Community Bank Bangladesh Limited.

For Flat Price in Aftabnagar