Residential Space for Sale in Aftabnagar, Dhaka
In Aftabnagar sector 01, road 03, Assure offers 3 beds north east facing Type-A 1406 Sq. Ft. & Type-B 1373 Sq. Ft. apartments at an attractive price range. Our fine apartments have 3 beds with attached 2 bathrooms and 2 verandas to complement your best living experience with your family members. And the nearby park, super shops, Milestone school, and hospitals would make your life even easier & beautiful.
Overview of Assure SS Residence
Assure Group offers Assure SS Residence, an attractive residential property for sale in Aftabnagar, Dhaka. This property can be a very suitable office address for you.
√ Residential
√ House-G32 & G34 | Road 03 | Sector 01 | Block-G | Aftabnagar | Dhaka-1212.
√ Rajuk allotted residential land
√ Type-A 1406 Sq. Ft.
√ Type-B 1373 Sq. Ft.
√ 14 Nos.
√ South.
√ 6 Katha (More or Less)
√ Ground + 7 Living Floors
√ 01 Nos.
√ 3 Beds, √ 3 Baths (02 Attached), √ 02 Ver, √ Living Cum Dining, √ Kitchen with Ver.
√ Guard Post, √ Caretaker Bed, √ Generator Room, √ Sub-station at Ground Floor.
√ Community Space, √ Plantation, √ Child Play Area, √ Cloth Drying Area, √ Machin Room at Roof-top.
√ Standard Chartered Bank, DBH, Dhaka Bank, IPDC, City Bank Limited, Mutual Trust Bank Limited, BRAC Bank Limited, Community Bank Bangladesh Limited.