Residential Property for Sale in Banani, Dhaka
Overview of Assure Marquis
√ Residential
Plot # 37,Road # 04, Block # F, Banani, Dhaka.
√ Ground + 7 Living Floor
Two Units
7.50 katha (More or Less)
√ East & West
8 Nos.
1 Nos.
A= 1920 Sft,B= 1920 Sft
- Type - A
- 1920 sft
- Type - B
- 1920 sft
√ 14 Nos.
√ 03 Beds, √ 03 Baths (02 Attached), √ 02 Ver, √ Living, √ Dining, √ Family Living, √ Study, √ Kitchen with ver, √ Maid’s Bed & Toilet
- Reception
- Guard Post
- Generator Room
- Sub-Station
- Guard Accommodation At Ground Floor
- Plantation & Seating
- Community Space
- Machine Room
- Cloth Drying Area At Roof-top

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