Luxury Flat for Sale in Uttara Dhaka - Assure Halcyon
It is a great deal of pleasure to introduce our new project Assure Halcyon, at Plot no-01, Road no-13, Sector-12, Uttara, Dhaka, Bangladesh; one of the calmest & quiet residential areas for peaceful living
Overview of Assure Halcyon
√ Residential
√ Plot no-01, Road no-13, Sector-12, Uttara, Dhaka.
√ 3 katha
√ Ground + 6 Living Floor
√ East Facing
√ 1703 sft
√ 01 Nos.
√ 06 Nos
√ Ground
√ 03 Beds, √ 03 Baths (02 Attached), √ 03 Balconies, √ Living, √ Dining, √ Kitchen with Ver, √ Maid's Toilet
√ Guard Post √ Generator Room √ Sub-station √ Guard Accommodation √ Ground Floor √ Plantation √ Cloth Drying Area √ Machine Room √ Roof-top.

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